How do I join?
A Bristol Barkers account is completely free to use. Just click on ‘My Account‘ in the menu and you can join from there. When you create an account with us you will be able to save your favourite walks and dog friendly places.
How do I submit a walk or a place to eat or drink?
We would love you to contribute! Simply sign up to become a member of Bristol Barkers. In your account, you will have the option to add a walk or dog friendly place to eat and even add your own photos. Or, if you don’t want to sign up to Bristol Barkers, please email us on [email protected].
Some of the information on a walk or a dog friendly place is incorrect, how do I let you know?
Thanks for letting us know, it’s a lot of hard work finding out everything and conducting our own research! Simply sign up to become a member of Bristol Barkers. In your account, you will have the option to tell us about an amend to a walk or dog friendly place to eat or drink. Or, if you don’t want to sign up to Bristol Barkers, please email us on [email protected].
Do I have to pay anything?
Not a penny! We created the website as a guide for dogs walks and places to eat/drink in Bristol, so people can share the fantastic places they take their pups.
I am having problems logging in or registering.
Sorry to hear about that. Please send us an email on [email protected] and we will sort it out as soon as we can.
Are you officially associated with any of these places?
We are not officially linked to any of the places we have recommended on our website. Bristol Barkers is just a guide based on our own experiences.
Can I advertise on your website?
We currently do not have any advertisements on Bristol Barkers as we want it to remain a free open source for people. However, please get in touch with us if you are interested in writing a blog that will appear on the website.
How were we able to create Bristol Barkers?
Adam is a web developer and Amelia is a graphic designer, therefore they were able to create a bespoke website, which they wanted to share with fellow dog owners.
Why have you got walks outside of Bristol?
We started by writing up all the walks we could find in Bristol, but sometimes we would discover brilliant walks in Somerset, Wiltshire or Wales, so we’ve included as many walks as we can so you can discover somewhere new!
We're social
Join us, as we share walkies, adventures and great places to eat on Instagram