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Hanham Hills

You can walk around Hanham Hills many different ways, but here is the way we often walk, which takes around 45 minutes – just enough time for one of you to do the weekly shop! This route takes you mainly through open fields, with a couple of nice views and a bit of woodland for good measure! There are no poo bins for the majority of the walk, but there is a bin near the start and end of the walk.

Thanks to Nathan and Hannah for this walk recommendation!

Walking directions
Walk down Bagworth Drive all the way to the end until you come to Collingwood care home. Follow the path to the right hand side of the care home. Note, at the end of this path is the only place on the walk where there is a bin.
2. At the end of the concrete path, go straight and follow the path all the way up the hill. The latter part of this path turns into a kind of tree tunnel and the path has got a lot of exposed roots, so do go careful.
3. Go through the kissing gate and into the first of many fields. The next gate you go is opposite, but we usually do the left perimeter of the field before exiting this field.
4. In the next field, keep right and follow the hedgerow for the length of the field, there’s an opening into a very small wood.
5. Once under the trees, follow the path straight and go through the kissing gate at the end, where you come into another field. In this field, keep right and follow the perimeter, slightly down the hill and there an opening on your right which will take you back into a small wood and uphill.
6. Another kissing gate into another field, this time the exit is on the right. We usually like to do the perimeter of this field before going into the next.
7. The opening into the next field is large, so should be easy to spot. We’ve turned right and exited almost immediately, but again, you can do the perimeter.
8. Into the next field and in this one you want to take a left and follow their hedge row all the way down you’ll see a opening in the tree line which you want to go through. You effectively want to walk the other side of the hedge in the next field in the same direction you’re currently taking.
9. Into the final field, you want to exit at the bottom right of the field, down the hill. Though the kissing gate and you’ll end up where you were near the start of the walk. Take the left turning and you’re back on Bagworth Drive.


Bagworth Drive
Longwell Green
BS30 9DA


You can park on the pavement on Bagworth Drive, there is around 6 spaces. Alternatively, you can park at Aldi, just down Bath Road (see map), where you can park for 90 minutes free of charge.  

Paws for thought

These fields are farmed for the hay that it produces. Very infrequently the farmer will harvest the long grass, but he's very accepting of the dog walkers who use these fields.
Although I've never seen them on any of my walks (I must have done it at least 20 times), horse tracks have been seen in the second field.

Pawfect partner

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