Paradise Bottom
Paradise Bottom car park is now permanently shut by the Forestry Commission. Please park in the main car park to Leigh Woods and walk to this part of the woodland to explore.
Paradise Bottom is part of Leigh Woods but included here as a walk in its own right. It is a great, varied and beautiful walk any time of year with pools of water which dogs just love to swim in.
It’s the best place in Leigh Woods for wild garlic picking and bluebell walks. There are a few pools of water in Paradise Bottom, two are excellent for a dog swim, as they have slopes into the pools. They can get very muddy though, so make sure you pack a towel!
There are no dog poo bins on site, so please take your dog poo bags with you.
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The History
‘Paradise Bottom was designed by 18th Century landscape designer, Humphry Repton. There are many features including the ornamental gardens, known as the ‘pleasure grounds’ which have been restored by the Forestry Commission with funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund and Countryside Agency.’
Abbots LeighBristol
Paradise Bottom car park is now permanently shut (June 2020), so please park at the main Leigh Woods car park (BS8 3QE)Pawfect partner
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